Category: Journey through the Bible

  • How were details of Christ’s death prophesied?

    Christ’s “cut off” Detailed Hundreds of Years Beforehand Previously we looked at Daniel’s prediction of the coming Christ’s ‘cutting off’ after a specified cycle of years. Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem (often called Palm Sunday) fulfilled Daniel’s prophecy exactly 173,880 days after the Persian Decree to restore Jerusalem. The phrase ‘cut off ’ referred to Isaiah’s imagery…

  • The Puzzle of the Psalm 22 Prophecy

    A few years ago a work colleague, J, wandered to my desk. J was smart and educated – and definitely not a follower of the gospel.  But he was somewhat curious about the gospel so we had some warm and open conversations between us. He had never really looked at the Bible so I had…

  • The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’

    We have been exploring the Branch theme in the Old Testament prophets. We saw that Jeremiah in 600 BCE continued the theme (which Isaiah began 150 years earlier) and declared that this Branch would be a King. Then, Zechariah followed predicting that the name of this Branch would be Jesus. Additionally, he foresaw that the Branch would uniquely combine the roles of King…

  • The Branch: Named hundreds of years before his birth

    We saw how Isaiah used the image of The Branch.  A ‘he’ from the fallen dynasty of David, possessing wisdom and power was coming.  Then Jeremiah followed up by stating that this Branch would be known as the LORD (the Old Testament name for God) himself. Zechariah continues The Branch The prophet Zechariah lived 520…

  • The Sign of the Branch: The Dead Stump Reborn

    Jesus had critics who questioned his authority.  He would answer them by pointing to the prophets that came before, claiming that they foresaw his life.  Here is one example where Jesus said to his critics: You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures…

  • Where does ‘Christ’ of Jesus Christ come from?

    I sometimes ask people what Jesus’ last name was. Usually they reply, “I guess his last name was ‘Christ’ but I am not sure”. Then I ask, “If so, when Jesus was a little boy did Joseph Christ and Mary Christ take little Jesus Christ to the market?” Hearing it that way, they realize that…

  • Moses’ Farewell Speech: History marching to the beat of its drum

    Moses’ Blessings & Curses in Deuteronomy Moses lived about 3500 years ago and he wrote the first five books of the Bible. We call them the Pentateuch or the Torah. His fifth book, Deuteronomy, contains his last proclamations made just before he died. These were his Blessings to the people of Israel – the Jews,…

  • What are the Ten Commandments? What do they teach?

    Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. These books describe the birth of the Israelite nation thousands of years ago.  Moses’ mission was to birth this nation to become a light to surrounding nations.  He began by leading the Israelites (or Jews) out of slavery in Egypt through a rescue known as Passover.…

  • Passover Sign of Moses

    After Abraham died his descendants were called Israelites.  500 years later they had become a large tribe.  But they had also become slaves  of the Egyptians. The Exodus The Israelite leader was Moses. God had told Moses to go to Pharaoh of Egypt and demand that he free the Israelites from slavery.   This began…

  • Abraham: How God will Provide

    Abraham lived 4000 years ago, traveling to modern-day Israel.  God promised him a son that would become a ‘great nation’. But he had to believe and then wait until he was very old to see his son born.  Jews and Arabs today come from Abraham, so we know the promise came true and that he…