Category: for dutch

  • What is the History of the Jewish People?

    Jews are one of the most ancient peoples in the world. The Bible, ancient historians outside the Bible, as well as archeology, all record their history. We have more facts about their history than that of any other nation. We will use this information to summarize their history.  To make the history of the Israelites…

  • The Branch: Named hundreds of years before his birth

    We saw how Isaiah used the image of The Branch.  A ‘he’ from the fallen dynasty of David, possessing wisdom and power was coming.  Then Jeremiah followed up by stating that this Branch would be known as the LORD (the Old Testament name for God) himself. Zechariah continues The Branch The prophet Zechariah lived 520…

  • The Sign of the Branch: The Dead Stump Reborn

    Jesus had critics who questioned his authority.  He would answer them by pointing to the prophets that came before, claiming that they foresaw his life.  Here is one example where Jesus said to his critics: You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures…

  • Was Jesus the son of a virgin from the line of David?

    We saw that ‘Christ’ is an Old Testament title.  Let us now look at this question: was Jesus of Nazareth that ‘Christ’ predicted in the Old Testament? From the Line of David Psalm 132 in the Old Testament, written 1000 years before Jesus lived, contained a specific prophecy.  It said: 10 For the sake of your…

  • Moses’ Farewell Speech: History marching to the beat of its drum

    Moses’ Blessings & Curses in Deuteronomy Moses lived about 3500 years ago and he wrote the first five books of the Bible. We call them the Pentateuch or the Torah. His fifth book, Deuteronomy, contains his last proclamations made just before he died. These were his Blessings to the people of Israel – the Jews,…

  • What are the Ten Commandments? What do they teach?

    Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. These books describe the birth of the Israelite nation thousands of years ago.  Moses’ mission was to birth this nation to become a light to surrounding nations.  He began by leading the Israelites (or Jews) out of slavery in Egypt through a rescue known as Passover.…

  • The Final Countdown – Promised in the Beginning

    We have looked at how mankind fell from their first created state. The Bible tells us God had a plan based on a Promise made at the beginning of history. The Bible – Really a Library First, some facts about the Bible.  The Bible is a collection of books, written by many authors.  It took…